The best of Ebola

The best of Ebola

Guys, I’ve not heard anyone freaking out over Ebola in at least a week. I kind of miss it. The comedy gold. I don’t miss Ebola. I made a list of some of my favorite Ebola comedy bits. I know Ebola itself is not a joke If you’re offended by this,...
Everyblock Ode to an early morning honker in Chicago

Everyblock Ode to an early morning honker in Chicago

I just posted this on Chicago’s EveryBlock, a public bulletin board for neighborhood communication. Such heroic behavior deserves mention. This is an ode to the early morning honker, the person giving a ride to an unseen passenger this very Saturday at 6:30am. I...
Tea Thoughts #24 | Hours in a day

Tea Thoughts #24 | Hours in a day

Here’s a Tea Thought inspired by the saying “You have the same number of hours in a day as Beyoncé.” I like this take: “Maybe Beyoncé does her own laundry, but I fucking doubt it. There are two hours right there that she has that I do...